3D Models

Turn Tables


Dejah Thoris' Revolver
Base: Maya 2010
Base Poly Count: 4,886 (3,326 without bullets)
Hi Poly: ZBrush 4.0

Dejah Thoris (A Princess of Mars)
Base Poly Count: 2,613
Highest Poly Count: 2.6 mil

New Face

3D model based on my thesis animation

Nom the Sandgorgon (The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant)
Base Poly Count: 1,915
Highest Poly: 7.8 mil


Version 2

Self Portrait
Maya 2008
Poly Count: 1,002

Vain (The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant)
Base Poly Count: 1,746
Highest Poly Count: 1.8 mil
Fixed a few things

Vain Update -
Adjusted pose, added toes, made adaptive skin.

 Vain zsketch -